High-performance Ice Melt – IBG Magic is rock salt treated with IBG Magic Liquid and screened for consistently sized particles. Safer for plants, pets and people.
Usage Comparison Chart: Untreated Rock Salt vs. Ice B’Gone Magic
Untreated Rock Salt
Ice B’Gone Magic
2-3 tons
1 ton
4,000-6,000 lbs
2,0000 lbs
*1 ton = 2,000 lbs
Ice B'Gone is safer for our environment
Ice B'Gone is the only roadway de-icer in the US to be granted the "Designated for the Environment" recognition from the EPA. Learn more about how Ice B'Gone protects our environment.
Bulk Materials
U.S. Mined Ice B’Gone Magic Treated Salt
(Effective to -35°)
High-performance Ice Melt – IBG Magic is rock salt treated with IBG Magic Liquid and screened for consistently sized particles. Safer for plants, pets and people.
Features & Benefits of Ice B’Gone Magic Treated Salt:
U.S. Mined Untreated Rock Salt
(Effective to 15° F)
Cargill High Quality White Rock Salt
Usage Comparison Chart: Untreated Rock Salt vs. Ice B’Gone Magic
Ice B'Gone is safer for our environment
Ice B'Gone is the only roadway de-icer in the US to be granted the "Designated for the Environment" recognition from the EPA. Learn more about how Ice B'Gone protects our environment.
Interested in our de-icing services?
Call us at 260-422-2020.